Qlikview For Mac Os

Qlik Sense supports keyboard accessibility. You can use a keyboard to navigate in the hub, the app overview page, the Qlik Sense toolbar, and sheet view. There is also a range of keyboard shortcuts.

QlikView is Qlik’s classic analytics solution for rapidly developing highly-interactive guided analytics applications and dashboards, delivering insight to solve business challenges. Supported Operating System(s): Windows 7, Mac OS, Web browser (OS agnostic), Windows 2000, Windows 8, Windows 10. Other Top Recommended.

When you navigate with the keyboard, the center of focus is highlighted. You can use keyboard navigation to interact with:

Qlikview For Mac Os Versions

The settings for QlikView OCX are found in the same file. If you get your QlikView license from a QlikView Server or if you have a Personal Edition of QlikView no serialization is necessary. It is however possible to acquire a serial number for this product and enter it in User Preferences: License page. A registered QlikView. Qlik Sense supports keyboard accessibility. You can use keyboard controls to navigate the Qlik Management Console (QMC) and the Multi-Cloud Setup Console (MSC). Note: Keyboard shortcuts are expressed assuming that you are working in Windows. For Mac OS use Cmd instead of Ctrl. Mac OS only: Delete selected item. QlikView is compatible with any iPhone or iPod touch running the iPhone 2.x software update. John Brandon is a 20-year veteran Mac user who used to run an all-Mac graphics department. Supported Apple Mac OS browsers: Apple Safari 10 or later; Google Chrome; Mozilla Firefox (requires hardware acceleration, not supported in virtual environments) QMC, minimum screen resolution: Desktops, laptops, and Apple Mac: 1024x768. No mobile or small screen support. QlikView compatibility.

  • objects and settings in the app overview page
  • objects and menus in the Qlik Sense toolbar
  • visualizations in sheets view

For more information on navigating the app overview page and the Qlik Sense toolbar, see Navigating in the user interface.

Keyboard navigation in the hub

Keyboard navigation in the hub
Keyboard navigation Description

Moves focus forward. In an active menu, Tab will cycle between the menu options.

Shift + TabMoves focus back.
Ctrl + G Switches to grid layout.
Ctrl + Shift + L Switches to list layout.
Left + right arrows Shifts through a horizontal list in focus, such as grid view.
Up + down arrows Shifts through a vertical list in focus, such as list view.
Enter or Space Selects or enters the item in focus. In the tab navigation menu, press Enter or Space a second time to open the drop-down menu.
Ctrl + up arrow Navigates to first item in list.
Ctrl + down arrow Navigates to last item in list.
Alt + N Opens Create new app dialog.
Ctrl + DeleteOpens Delete confirmation dialog for app in focus.
Shift + F10 Opens context menu for app in focus.
Esc Closes a dialog or context menu.
Up + down arrows Shifts focus between app thumbnail and app detail in a focused app in grid view.

Keyboard navigation in the app overview and toolbar


The Skip to content button is the first element when you navigate using a keyboard on the app overview page. Click Enter to skip navigation and land on Sheets on the toolbar. If you click Tab, you will open the global menu.

Keyboard navigation in the app overview and toolbar
Keyboard navigation Description


Moves focus forward. In an active menu, Tab will cycle between the menu options. If a sheet is open, Tab will also move focus to the sheet.

Shift + Tab

Moves focus back . In an active menu, Shift + Tab will cycle between the menu options. If a sheet is open, Tab will also move focus to the sheet.

Enter or Space

Opens current focus.


Closes an open menu.

Right arrow

Navigates to the next sheet or story on the app overview page.

Left arrow

Navigates to the previous sheet or story on the app overview page.
Up arrowNavigates to the next bookmark on the app overview page.
Down arrowNavigates to the previous bookmark on the app overview page.
Ctrl + G Switches to grid layout.
Ctrl + Shift + L Switches to list layout.
Ctrl + up Navigates to first item in list.
Ctrl + down Navigates to last item in list.

Keyboard navigation in sheet view

You can use keyboard navigation to interact with visualizations in your sheets, access options in visualization context menus, and download visualization data. Keyboard navigation is also supported with Insights.

Note: Keyboard shortcuts are expressed assuming that you are working in Windows. For Mac OS use Cmd instead of Ctrl.

The Skip to content button is the first element when you navigate using a keyboard in sheet view. Click Enter to skip navigation and land on main content. For example, if you are viewing Analyze > Sheet, you will land on Smart Search. If you click Tab instead, you will open the Analyze menu.

Keyboard navigation in sheet view

Keyboard navigation in sheet view
Keyboard navigation Description

Moves focus forward between items in the toolbar and the visualizations in the sheet. In an active menu, Tab will cycle between the menu options.

Shift + Tab

Move focus backward between items in the toolbar and the visualizations in the sheet. In an active menu, Shift+Tab will cycle between the menu options.

Ctrl + Right arrow

Navigates to the next sheet.

Ctrl + Left arrow

Navigates to the previous sheet.

Ctrl + Home, Ctrl + Fn + Left (Mac OS)

Navigates to the first sheet of the app.

Ctrl + End, Ctrl + Fn + Right (Mac OS)

Navigates to the last sheet of the app.
Right arrowNavigates to the next visualization in the row.
Left arrowNavigates to the previous visualization object in the row.
Up arrowNavigate to the visualization in the row above.
Down arrowNavigate to the visualization in the row below.
Ctrl + up arrowNavigate to the first visualization in the sheet.
Ctrl + down arrowNavigate to the last visualization in the sheet.

Changes between the current visualization and its table representation. If visualization is a table, moves focus to the first data cell inside the table.

Shift + Enter or Space Opens the current visualization in full screen.

Shift + F10, Alt + Shift + F10 (Internet Explorer 11), Fn + Shift + F10 (Mac OS)

Opens the context menu for the selected visualization.

Ctrl + EToggles sheet edit on/off.

Keyboard navigation in visualization context menus

Qlikview mac os x
Keyboard navigation in visualization context menus
Keyboard navigationDescription
TabMoves focus from the sheet to the context menu.
EscClose the context menu.
Down arrowNavigate the focus to the next item in the context menu.
Up arrowNavigate the focus to the previous item in the context menu.
Right arrowOpen an item's sub-menu.
Left arrowClose an item's sub-menu.
EnterPerforms the action for the focused item.

Keyboard navigation in the visualization Export data dialog

Keyboard navigation in the visualization Export data dialog
Keyboard navigationDescription
TabMove the focus forward.
Shift + TabMove the focus backward
EscClose the dialog.
EnterPerforms the action for the focused item.

In Selections mode

Keyboard navigation in Selections mode

Keyboard navigation


Up arrowNavigates to the row above.
Down arrowNavigates to the row below.
Space barSelects value.
Shift + up/down arrowsSelects multiple values.
EnterConfirms selections.
EscCancels selections.

In current selection

Keyboard navigation in current selection

Keyboard navigation


TabNavigates to next selection or Clear all fields button.
Enter/space barIf you press Enter/space bar on a current selection, it opens the list box pop-over. If you press Enter/space bar on Clear all fields, the selections are deleted.

Keyboard navigation in list boxes

Inside of list box

Keyboard navigation in list boxes

Keyboard navigation


Space (on a selectable cell)Enters Selections mode.
Shift + up/down arrows (on a selectable cell)Selects multiple values.
Up arrowNavigates to the cell in the row above.
Down arrowNavigates to the cell in the row below.
EscMoves focus back to the object.
Ctrl + Space (while selecting)Selects value and deselects all other values.
Ctrl + ASelects all values.
Ctrl + FOpens and focuses search form.

In Selections mode

Keyboard navigation in list boxes, in Selections mode

Keyboard navigation


Up arrowNavigates to the row above.
Down arrowNavigates to the row below.
Space barSelects value.
Shift + up/down arrowsSelects multiple values.
EnterConfirms selections.
EscCancels selections.

Keyboard navigation in straight tables

Outside of table

Keyboard navigation in straight tables, outside of table
Keyboard navigationDescription
Enter or SpaceEnters View data mode.
EscCloses View data mode.
Enter or Space (in View data mode or on a default table)Moves focus to the first cell of the table.
Shift + Enter or SpaceEnters Full screen mode.

Inside of table

Keyboard navigation in straight tables, inside of table

Keyboard navigation


Enter or Space (on a selectable cell)Enters Selections mode.
Shift + up/down arrows (on a selectable cell)Selects multiple values.
Enter or Space (on header cell or other cell with an action)Executes cell action.
Right arrowNavigates to the next cell in the table.
Left arrowNavigates to the previous cell in the table.
Up arrowNavigates to the cell in the row above.
Down arrowNavigates to the cell in the row below.
EscMoves focus back to the object.
Ctrl + Space (while selecting)Selects value and deselects all other values.

Keyboard navigation in Insights

In Insights

Keyboard navigation in Insights
Keyboard navigation Description

Moves focus forward between items in the toolbar and the visualizations in the sheet. In an active menu, Tab will cycle between the menu options.

Shift + Tab

Move focus backward between items in the toolbar and the visualizations in the sheet. In an active menu, Shift + Tab will cycle between the menu options.

Right arrowNavigates to the next visualization in the row.
Left arrowNavigates to the previous visualization object in the row.
Up arrowNavigate to the visualization in the row above.
Down arrowNavigate to the visualization in the row below.
Ctrl + up arrowNavigate to the first visualization in the sheet.
Ctrl + down arrowNavigate to the last visualization in the sheet.
EnterEnters View data mode.
Space or Shift + EnterOpens the current visualization in full screen.
EscCloses the full screen mode.

Shift + F10, Alt + Shift + F10 (Internet Explorer 11), FN + Shift + F10 (Mac OS)

Opens the context menu for the selected visualization.

Note: If Shift + F10 does not work in your browser, use Alt + Shift + F10.

Keyboard navigation in the Insights assets panel

Keyboard navigation in the Insights assets panel

Keyboard navigation


<letter key>

Navigate to the first item in the list that starts with this letter (if the item currently in focus starts with a different letter). Navigate to the next item in the list that starts with this letter (if the item currently in focus starts with the same letter)

Ctrl + up arrow

Navigate to the last item in the previous category.

Ctrl + down arrow

Navigate to the first item in the next category.

Up arrow

Navigate to the item immediately above the current one (asset or category).

Down arrow

Navigate to the item immediately below the current one (asset or category).

Left arrow

Navigates to the category holding the item with the current focus (when focus is on an asset).

Right arrow

Navigates to the first item of the selected category (when the focus is on a category).

Space or Enter

Selects the item that has focus.

Keyboard navigation in filter panes

Keyboard navigation in filter panes

Keyboard navigation


Right arrow

Navigates to the first dimension in the next column.
Left arrowNavigates to the first dimension in the previous column.
Up arrowNavigates to the dimension in the row above. When at the bottom of the column, navigates to top of previous column.
Down arrowNavigates to the dimension in the row below. When at the top of the column, navigates to bottom of next column.
EscMoves focus back to the object.
Space or EnterMoves focus to the first value in the dimension. If focus is on a collapsed list box, opens list box in pop-over. If focus is on show all button, the filter pane opens in full screen mode.

Keyboard shortcuts

Note: Keyboard shortcuts are expressed assuming that you are working in Windows. For Mac OS use Cmd instead of Ctrl.

For keyboard shortcuts specific to:

  • the data load editor, see Keyboard shortcuts in the Data load editor.
  • smart search, see Keyboard shortcuts used in smart search.
  • the QMC, see Keyboard shortcuts in QMC.
Keyboard shortcuts
Keyboard shortcutDescription
Ctrl + PPrints the current view or active sheet/story.
Ctrl + CCopies the selected item to the clipboard.
Ctrl + XCuts the selected item and copies it to the clipboard. When using the Google Chrome browser: if the cursor is put in front of a row in the data load editor or in the expression editor, without selecting anything, the entire row is cut.
Ctrl + VPastes the most-recently copied item from the clipboard.
Ctrl + ZUndo action. Repeat to undo earlier actions.
Ctrl + YRedo actions.
Ctrl + H

Opens online help in the context of the current function.


Data load editor and expression editor only.

Ctrl + FOpens smart search.
Ctrl + EIn sheet view, opens and closes the editing of the selected sheet.
Ctrl + S

Saves changes to the app.

Not supported in Qlik Sense, changes are automatically saved. Ctrl + S saves changes in the Data load editor

Ctrl + OOpens an app file copied to the clipboard using Ctrl + C.
Not supported in Qlik Sense.
Ctrl + A

Selects all code.


Data load editor and expression editor only.

Ctrl + D

Deletes the content of the current line.


Data load editor and expression editor only.

Ctrl + KComments or uncomments the selected lines in the data load editor.
Ctrl + 00Inserts a test script in the data load editor.
TabIndents code in the data load editor.
Shift + Tab Outdents code in the data load editor.
Left arrowNavigates to the previous slide in storytelling view.
Right arrowNavigates to the next slide in storytelling view.
Up arrowScrolls up in a table.
Down arrowScrolls down in a table.
Ctrl + left arrowNavigates to the previous sheet in sheet view.
Ctrl + right arrowNavigates to the next sheet in sheet view.

Ctrl + Home, Cmd + Fn + Left (Mac OS)

Navigates to the first sheet of the app in sheet view.

Ctrl + End, Ctrl + Fn + Right (Mac OS)

Navigates to the last sheet of the app in sheet view.

Exits play mode in storytelling view. Deselects a visualization when editing in sheet view. Deselects an object. Undoes selections in a visualization. Closes a dialog or window.

DeleteDeletes selected item.
Backspace Deletes selected item.
EnterPerforms the action for the active option or button (for example, in dialogs).
Ctrl + +Zoom in.
Ctrl + -Zoom out.
Ctrl + 0Reset zooming.
ShiftWhen held while dragging and dropping a field into a sheet, adds the field as a filter pane.

When you purchase QlikView, you receive an email with the information about the license agreement. There will also be information about your serial numbers and control numbers.

QlikView Installation Packages

You can select between a number of different QlikView installation packages. The QlikView Desktop, QlikView Server, and QlikView WorkBench installations are only available in a 64-bit version.

The QlikView Desktop installation package includes the following components:

Screen capture for mac torrent

  • The QlikView application
  • The QlikView Internet Explorer plugin
  • QlikView themes
  • QlikView examples

Qlikview Mac Os

You can select Custom during the installation progress to reduce the number of installed components.

Downloading the QlikView Desktop installation file

Do the following:

  1. Go to the Qlik website.
  2. In the top right, click Log In. Log in with a registered customer or partner account.
  3. In the main menu, go to Support > Product Downloads & Upgrades.

  4. Click the Get Started button. In the main menu, click QlikView.

  5. Use the left-hand menu to filter your options.
  6. Download the installation files.

Running the QlikView Desktop installation program

Do the following:

  1. Double-click the Setup.exe file to start the installation.
  2. When the installation program starts, select the desired installation language from the drop down list, and click OK.

    For a full list of the supported languages, see Supported languages

  3. Wait while the installation is prepared, according to the dialogs displayed.
  4. When the Welcome dialog opens, read the information and click Next.
  5. The software license agreement opens. Read it, and click Iaccept the license agreement (if this is the case), then click Next.
  6. In the Customer Information dialog you can specify for whom the installationwill be personalized. Click Next to continue.
  7. If you prefer another destination folder than the default one for the program installation, specify this by clicking Change in the Destination Folder dialog. Then click Next.
  8. The Setup Type dialog appears. If Complete is chosen, thefollowing features will be installed to the path specified in the previous dialog: The QlikView program, theQlikView Internet Explorer Plug-In, and examplesof QlikView functionality and features. If Custom is chosen, adialog where you can specify which features to install will appear when you click Next. Make the selectionsand click Next.
  9. The installation is now ready to start. Click Install to start it.
  10. In the last dialog, click Finish to complete the installation process.
Note: Always enter the QlikView license on the account that installedit; otherwise it might not function properly.

Logging the Installation

When Setup.exe is run, a log file is written to the temp folder of the user. The log file is called QlikViewx64.wil. Each time the installation is run a new file is generated, over writing the old log file.

QlikView Settings File

All settings for QlikView are saved in a file (instead of being written to the registry). The file, Settings.ini, is located in C:UsersusernameAppDataRoamingQlikTechQlikView.

The settings for QlikView OCX are found in the same file.


If you get your QlikView license from a QlikView Server or if you have a PersonalEdition of QlikView no serialization is necessary. It is however possible to acquire aserial number for this product and enter it in User Preferences: License page. A registeredQlikView will allow you to work offline without any contact with a QlikViewServer for longer periods (periods longer than 30 days). Contact your QlikView vendorfor details.

Note: The serialization process requires network access or optionally phoneactivation!

Once you have installed and, optionally, serialized your copy of QlikView, you canstart using the program.

Network Distribution of QlikView

This type of installation is useful if you have many licenses and want to make surethat all users run the same version of QlikView. Each user still needs a separatelicense number.

Qlikview On Mac Os X

To distribute a QlikView installation, you need the executable installation file. Serial numbersand control numbers are not necessary until you start your first QlikView session onthe client computer.

QlikView uses the Microsoft Windows Installer technique (MSI packaging).

Qlikview For Mac Os High Sierra

To find out more about how to install an MSI-package, please see Microsoft documentation about Windows installer.

License Enabler File Editor

You can also update your license and review the License Enabler File by selecting License Update from the Help menu. This requires no network access.

In the License Enabler File Editor dialog the user can review or edit the License Enabler File.

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Qlikview For Mac Os 10.10

Current License Key

The Current License Key of the QlikView license that is normallyentered when the original program is installed. It may also beentered or edited at a later time via the User Preferences: License page. It is also possible to run QlikView without a bought licensekey. In this case, a license lease from a QlikViewServer - a Named CAL - or a Personal Edition ofQlikView is needed.

Current License Enabler File

A text file containing information relevant to the installed licensethat is required in order to activate (enable) the license key.

Contact License Enabler Server

Click this button if the text edit box Current License Enabler File above is empty in order to contact the License Enabler Server.

Qlikview For Mac Os 10.13

Troubleshooting the License Enabler File

A License Enabler File (LEF file) is required in order to verify the validity ofa QlikView license key. During the initialization of the license key the Qlik LEF Server is contacted via the Internet. Provided that the licenseinformation given checks out, a LEF file is automatically transferred to yourcomputer. Under normal circumstances the LEF procedure is barely noticeableas it is done in the background. There are however instances when theprocedure fails, either because you are unable to contact the LEF server orbecause a firewall prevents the transfer of the LEF file. When this happensthe License Failure dialog will be displayed to inform you about the problem.

Qlikview Mac Os X

Should you be unable to obtain a valid LEF file through the normal procedureand you feel that you are entitled to one, you might instead obtain itdirectly from Qlik Support. When you copy the text file directly into theLEF editor you must make sure that there are no trailing empty spaces in thetext.

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